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​The AOO Team Visits #ICAS18 Convention
Aviation Oil Outlet on Dec 13th 2018

As a part of our mission, we’ve been hitting the tarmac all summer to meet some of the industry’s b…
What is aerobatic smoke oil and how does it work?
Aviation Oil Outlet on Sep 19th 2018

Aerobatic displays are the highlight of every airshow. Such maneuvers most often rely on the thick …
aerobatic smoke oil
Plane of the Week: Pitts Special
Aviation Oil Outlet on Aug 25th 2017

These Pitts Sure Don't Stink. For a reliable aerobatic biplane, you can't go wrong with a Pitts …
Plane Of The Week
The Air Show Finally Returned to Northeastern Pennsylvania
Aviation Oil Outlet on Aug 14th 2017

After nearly two decades, acrobatic performances once again graced the skies of Northeastern Pennsyl…
Aviation News
The Making of Modern Day Air Shows
Aviation Oil Outlet on Aug 9th 2017

Air shows have a rich history. Since man first learned to fly, airplanes--and aerial stunts--have wo…
Aviation History
Whatever Happened to Skywriting?
Aviation Oil Outlet on Aug 30th 2016

Sky's the limit for a comeback You might have noticed that thick, white letters don't really domin…
Aviation History