TRUMP calls US airports "third-world" | are they REALLY that BAD?
Aviation Oil Outlet
on Oct 18th 2016
Donald Trump lives life a bit more fancifully than the average Joe, so it makes some sense that he w…
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Should airlines allow pilots to use their cellphones during flight?
Aviation Oil Outlet on Oct 11th 2016
The above photos were illegally taken during flight by pilots employed in commercial airlines. T…
Aviation Oil Outlet on Oct 11th 2016
The above photos were illegally taken during flight by pilots employed in commercial airlines. T…

Smoky the War Dog--Hero of the Air Force and National Sensation
Aviation Oil Outlet on Oct 10th 2016
Smoky: the Little Dog that Could Corporal Bill Wynne first met Smoky in the beginning of 1944 wh…
Aviation History
Aviation Oil Outlet on Oct 10th 2016
Smoky: the Little Dog that Could Corporal Bill Wynne first met Smoky in the beginning of 1944 wh…

5 Coolest Commercial Airplane Paint Jobs
Aviation Oil Outlet on Oct 5th 2016
Technically, the application and color of paint on an aircraft goes beyond mere aesthetics. A pl…
Aviation Oil Outlet on Oct 5th 2016
Technically, the application and color of paint on an aircraft goes beyond mere aesthetics. A pl…

NASA will take the human race to Titan, Saturn's largest moon.
Aviation Oil Outlet on Sep 29th 2016
There's nothing very spectacular about the appearance of Saturn's moon, Titan. Howev…
Aviation Oil Outlet on Sep 29th 2016
There's nothing very spectacular about the appearance of Saturn's moon, Titan. Howev…

Why don't commercial aircraft have parachutes for passengers?
Aviation Oil Outlet on Sep 27th 2016
Flying, for some of us, is unnerving. While we admire the science and sheer beauty of aircraft a…
General Aviation
Aviation Oil Outlet on Sep 27th 2016
Flying, for some of us, is unnerving. While we admire the science and sheer beauty of aircraft a…

ICAO's Carbon Offset and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation
Aviation Oil Outlet on Sep 20th 2016
In 2013, ICAO was mandated to present a proposal for a global market-based measure to manage aviatio…
Aviation News
Aviation Oil Outlet on Sep 20th 2016
In 2013, ICAO was mandated to present a proposal for a global market-based measure to manage aviatio…

Plane of the Week: A-10 Warthog Fighter Jet
Aviation Oil Outlet on Sep 16th 2016
Military aircraft are a bit like fashion models: as soon as they show even the slightest signs of ag…
Plane Of The Week
Aviation Oil Outlet on Sep 16th 2016
Military aircraft are a bit like fashion models: as soon as they show even the slightest signs of ag…

Five of the Best Fictional Pilots
Aviation Oil Outlet on Sep 13th 2016
We can't get enough of aviation movies. Seriously, what's the best alternative to being a pilot…
General Aviation
Aviation Oil Outlet on Sep 13th 2016
We can't get enough of aviation movies. Seriously, what's the best alternative to being a pilot…